Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX
Lake Charles, LA
City Pair Flights for FY 2018
174 | $177 | $101 | — |
Passenger Count | Unrestricted Coach Fare | Capacity-Controlled Fare | Business Fare |
City Pair Summary
Rates shown are government contract fares between Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX and Lake Charles, LA. These fixed rate fares are available to U.S. federal employees on official travel in either direction between Dallas-Ft. Worth and Lake Charles. All prices are for one-way service in either direction.
The U.S. Government predicts approximately 174 government travelers flying between these two cities in 2018. The average "Unrestricted Coach Class" fare is $177.00. The average "Capacity-Controlled" fare is $101.00. There are no Business Class fares between these two cities in 2018.
Business Class flights may only be taken if it is the most economical option or if your agency has authorized other than Coach Class service in accordance with Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) (§ 301-10.123).
How long is the flight between Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX and Lake Charles, LA?
The flight between Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX and Lake Charles, LA is 256 nautical miles which takes approximately 36 minutes. † This calculation does not take into consideration real-time weather conditions and may be off by up to 10%.
† Nautical miles are the preferred unit of measure for distance at sea or in flight. A nautical mile is 1.15 regular miles.
Available Contract Flights (1)
There is only 1 flights available between Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX and Lake Charles, LA for FY 2018 (October 2017 to September 2018). All rates show are for one-way service in either direction.
From / To | Contract Carrier |
Service Type |
Unrestricted Fare |
Capacity Controlled |
Business Fare |
Dallas Fort Worth International (DFW)
⇄ Lake Charles Regional (LCH) |
American Airlines |
Nonstop Flight |
$177 | $101 | — |
City Pair Statistics (2000-2025): Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX ⇄ Lake Charles, LA
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I book a City Pair Program flight?
City Pair flights are only available to U.S. Federal Employees traveling on official duty. You must follow your agency's guidelines or speak to your agency's travel coordinator to book one of the flights listed above.
If you are military or a civilian DoD employee, use Defense Travel System (DTS) website to book your flight.
If you are in the military or are a DoD employee, you must also use your Citi Bank Government Travel Card for booking all airfare and related travel expenses.
Can federal employees or military personnel use these fares for personal travel?
No, these fares may only be used by government personnel traveling on official business between Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX and Lake Charles, LA.
What is the difference between "Unrestricted" (YCA) and "Capacity-Controlled" (_CA) flights?
Contract fares are identified by a 3-letter code ending in "CA" which stands for "Contact Award." "YCA" is the code for Guaranteed economy class Airline City Pair fare. "_CA" (or sometimes "XCA") is the code for limited capacity economy class Airline City Pair fare. The first letter will varies by airline (i.e. QCA, LCA, etc.).
"_CA" flights are the cheapest flight option but there are only a certain number of these fares available on a given flight or throughout the year. Travelers should reserve their airfare as soon as reasonably possible in order to get the cheapest fares. All "YCA" and "_CA" have no ticketing time limits, advanced purchase requirements, travel time limits, blackout periods, or change for cancellation fees.