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Shreveport, LA
Contract City Pairs for FY 2013

Domestic Louisiana 2013 26 City Pairs
Note: This page shows historic data from 2013. Click here to see 2025 Shreveport, LA City Pairs.
Summary Information:
17K 23 Domestic
3 International
$327 $1,103
Passenger Count Destination Cities Average Domestic Fare Average International Fare

There are a total of 26 cities with contract flights to and from Shreveport, Louisiana. Of these 26 city pairs, 23 are domestic and 3 are international. In the previous fiscal year year, there were 17,295 one-way contact flights through Shreveport.

The average economy one-way fare to a domestic city pair from Shreveport, LA is $327.13 and the average international fare is $1,103.00.

Use the tools below to filter through destinations and choose your desired city pair. You can filter by state and country to help find the city pair you are looking for.

Contract Flights To/From Shreveport, LA (26 Cities)

Filter Cities:
City Pair Passengers Domestic? Coach
Washington, DC 3,743 Domestic $315 More Info  District Of Columbia (DC) , USA
San Antonio, TX 1,623 Domestic $213 More Info  Texas (TX) , USA
Albuquerque, NM 1,269 Domestic $319 More Info  New Mexico (NM) , USA
Atlanta, GA 1,115 Domestic $298 More Info  Georgia (GA) , USA
Omaha, NE 1,036 Domestic $450 More Info  Nebraska (NE) , USA
Denver, CO 973 Domestic $411 More Info  Colorado (CO) , USA
Las Vegas, NV 949 Domestic $309 More Info  Nevada (NV) , USA
Norfolk, VA 821 Domestic $315 More Info  Virginia (VA) , USA
Philadelphia, PA 775 Domestic $303 More Info  Pennsylvania (PA) , USA
Chicago, IL 660 Domestic $374 More Info  Illinois (IL) , USA
Kansas City, MO 575 Domestic $285 More Info  Missouri (MO) , USA
St. Louis, MO 444 Domestic $409 More Info  Missouri (MO) , USA
Los Angeles, CA 415 Domestic $372 More Info  California (CA) , USA
Tucson, AZ 384 Domestic $282 More Info  Arizona (AZ) , USA
Boston, MA 373 Domestic $246 More Info  Massachusetts (MA) , USA
Orlando, FL 369 Domestic $329 More Info  Florida (FL) , USA
San Diego, CA 349 Domestic $319 More Info  California (CA) , USA
Raleigh-Durham, NC 248 Domestic $251 More Info  North Carolina (NC) , USA
Richmond, VA 216 Domestic $353 More Info  Virginia (VA) , USA
El Paso, TX 202 Domestic $339 More Info  Texas (TX) , USA
Houston, TX 177 Domestic $383 More Info  Texas (TX) , USA
Guam, Guam 149 International $1,052 $2,759 More Info  () , Guam
Sacramento, CA 145 Domestic $291 More Info  California (CA) , USA
Minneapolis-St.paul, MN 130 Domestic $358 More Info  Minnesota (MN) , USA
Frankfurt, Germany 81 International $501 $6,450 More Info  () , Germany
Seoul, Korea 74 International $1,756 $6,099 More Info  () , Korea
