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Wilmington, NC
Contract City Pairs for FY 2017

Domestic North Carolina 2017 32 City Pairs
Note: This page shows historic data from 2017. Click here to see 2025 Wilmington, NC City Pairs.
Summary Information:
7K 31 Domestic
1 International
$358 $1,107
Passenger Count Destination Cities Average Domestic Fare Average International Fare

There are a total of 32 cities with contract flights to and from Wilmington, North Carolina. Of these 32 city pairs, 31 are domestic and 1 are international. In the previous fiscal year year, there were 7,333 one-way contact flights through Wilmington.

The average economy one-way fare to a domestic city pair from Wilmington, NC is $358.42 and the average international fare is $1,107.00.

Use the tools below to filter through destinations and choose your desired city pair. You can filter by state and country to help find the city pair you are looking for.

Contract Flights To/From Wilmington, NC (32 Cities)

Filter Cities:
City Pair Passengers Domestic? Coach
Atlanta, GA 813 Domestic $525 More Info  Georgia (GA) , USA
San Diego, CA 756 Domestic $595 More Info  California (CA) , USA
San Juan, PR 676 Domestic $348 More Info  Puerto Rico (PR) , USA
Washington, DC 560 Domestic $397 More Info  District Of Columbia (DC) , USA
Tampa, FL 404 Domestic $229 More Info  Florida (FL) , USA
Orlando, FL 303 Domestic $333 More Info  Florida (FL) , USA
St. Louis, MO 291 Domestic $260 More Info  Missouri (MO) , USA
San Francisco, CA 271 Domestic $369 More Info  California (CA) , USA
Philadelphia, PA 269 Domestic $291 More Info  Pennsylvania (PA) , USA
Jacksonville, FL 254 Domestic $351 More Info  Florida (FL) , USA
New Orleans, LA 244 Domestic $236 More Info  Louisiana (LA) , USA
Los Angeles, CA 239 Domestic $371 More Info  California (CA) , USA
Gulfport, MS 224 Domestic $241 More Info  Mississippi (MS) , USA
Seattle-Tacoma, WA 211 Domestic $434 More Info  Washington (WA) , USA
New York, NY 181 Domestic $296 More Info  New York (NY) , USA
San Antonio, TX 160 Domestic $374 More Info  Texas (TX) , USA
Newark, NJ 149 Domestic $359 More Info  New Jersey (NJ) , USA
Providence, RI 141 Domestic $348 More Info  Rhode Island (RI) , USA
Denver, CO 125 Domestic $410 More Info  Colorado (CO) , USA
Honolulu, HI 123 Domestic $660 More Info  Hawaii (HI) , USA
Stuttgart, Germany 103 International $1,107 More Info  () , Germany
Chicago, IL 87 Domestic $347 More Info  Illinois (IL) , USA
Huntsville, AL 85 Domestic $290 More Info  Alabama (AL) , USA
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 80 Domestic $291 More Info  Florida (FL) , USA
Miami, FL 77 Domestic $339 More Info  Florida (FL) , USA
Kansas City, MO 76 Domestic $357 More Info  Missouri (MO) , USA
Mobile, AL 74 Domestic $308 More Info  Alabama (AL) , USA
Detroit, MI 73 Domestic $337 More Info  Michigan (MI) , USA
Phoenix/scottsdale, AZ 72 Domestic $525 More Info  Arizona (AZ) , USA
Charlotte, NC 71 Domestic $226 More Info  North Carolina (NC) , USA
Louisville, KY 71 Domestic $278 More Info  Kentucky (KY) , USA
El Paso, TX 70 Domestic $386 More Info  Texas (TX) , USA
