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2016 U.S. Government City Pairs by State
Domestic City Pairs

Note: This page shows historic data from 2016. Click here to see 2025 states page.

The table below breaks down the 2016 City Pair flights by state. There are 53 domestic regions including Washington, D.C. and U.S. territories.

District of Columbia has the most departing passengers on City Pair Program contracted flights with 1,934,112 passengers. The state with the second most U.S. government travelers is California with 1,034,525 passengers.

The average one-way fare for City Pair Program flights departing from the U.S. in 2016 was $423.71 for Unrestricted Coach Fares (YCA), $252.34 for Capacity Controlled Fares (XCA), and $4,331.73 on average for Business Class Fares.

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Average City Pair Fares by State

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2016 City Pairs by State

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Showing 53 of 53 States and Territories
State or Territory Flight Cities Passengers Fares
Unestricted Capacity-Controlled Business
Alabama (AL) 405 5 193,883 $489.97 $293.87 $5,227.39
Alaska (AK) 260 19 196,855 $468.53 $331.75 $1,493.00
Arizona (AZ) 359 4 195,118 $404.86 $229.19 $3,615.25
Arkansas (AR) 158 3 54,951 $395.53 $230.74 $4,439.17
California (CA) 1,341 16 1,034,525 $441.89 $265.59 $4,496.10
Colorado (CO) 375 6 275,731 $416.23 $250.54 $5,164.64
Connecticut (CT) 90 1 36,481 $390.08 $235.98 $4,305.88
Delaware (DE)
District of Columbia (DC) 775 1 1,934,112 $524.05 $313.81 $4,864.77
Florida (FL) 1,154 16 640,824 $451.08 $268.74 $4,281.78
Georgia (GA) 609 7 499,327 $539.93 $346.16 $5,354.26
Hawaii (HI) 237 7 409,305 $594.60 $383.84 $4,759.67
Idaho (ID) 113 4 41,399 $409.85 $249.38 $4,824.50
Illinois (IL) 407 6 317,427 $391.14 $238.71 $4,240.71
Indiana (IN) 177 4 74,451 $398.99 $235.31 $5,269.31
Iowa (IA) 111 4 27,504 $343.54 $194.58 $2,170.50
Kansas (KS) 101 2 22,997 $380.84 $210.09 $2,200.00
Kentucky (KY) 212 3 94,978 $423.36 $251.17 $5,069.69
Louisiana (LA) 322 7 115,812 $409.77 $250.85 $4,115.21
Maine (ME) 65 2 17,065 $390.43 $220.06 $3,650.00
Maryland (MD) 2 1 204 $390.00 $207.00
Massachusetts (MA) 185 2 186,138 $494.62 $299.74 $4,144.62
Michigan (MI) 281 11 116,387 $442.76 $277.57 $6,045.36
Minnesota (MN) 189 4 103,934 $429.71 $265.85 $5,491.30
Mississippi (MS) 208 4 83,535 $454.67 $271.47 $4,272.16
Missouri (MO) 397 4 245,600 $418.03 $255.93 $5,536.20
Montana (MT) 174 7 37,342 $428.57 $259.13 $7,290.00
Nebraska (NE) 112 2 46,129 $365.13 $220.24 $6,301.57
Nevada (NV) 229 3 106,744 $412.10 $249.06 $4,871.33
New Hampshire (NH) 43 1 13,682 $340.37 $185.10 $758.00
New Jersey (NJ) 111 1 65,035 $354.65 $198.57 $991.00
New Mexico (NM) 148 4 69,561 $371.80 $216.60 $3,344.60
New York (NY) 623 11 264,506 $477.04 $285.03 $4,407.53
North Carolina (NC) 587 9 279,267 $458.44 $269.38 $5,455.48
North Dakota (ND) 117 6 20,405 $471.68 $287.51 $6,872.75
Ohio (OH) 399 6 204,301 $410.24 $244.73 $5,168.36
Oklahoma (OK) 309 3 164,231 $374.51 $214.21 $5,219.36
Oregon (OR) 219 5 105,310 $389.26 $239.03 $5,295.27
Pennsylvania (PA) 464 7 226,420 $415.70 $241.30 $4,736.13
Puerto Rico (PR) 101 2 58,917 $410.46 $257.65 $1,068.38
Rhode Island (RI) 94 1 55,859 $406.39 $239.58 $5,481.30
South Carolina (SC) 292 6 149,017 $482.70 $279.37 $5,629.84
South Dakota (SD) 94 3 22,125 $415.27 $236.98 $5,840.75
Tennessee (TN) 328 5 127,626 $422.66 $248.56 $5,200.41
Texas (TX) 1,488 23 885,681 $423.74 $248.23 $3,994.37
Utah (UT) 184 3 118,445 $452.49 $274.24 $5,465.82
Vermont (VT) 44 1 12,059 $398.80 $228.55
Virgin Islands (VI) 22 2 11,708 $431.50 $246.14 $955.27
Virginia (VA) 514 5 402,934 $450.97 $272.72 $4,728.69
Washington (WA) 376 8 400,081 $451.39 $274.46 $5,207.26
West Virginia (WV) 51 2 9,410 $390.16 $215.92 $2,202.00
Wisconsin (WI) 246 7 58,046 $332.37 $192.20 $738.00
Wyoming (WY) 19 4 2,602 $400.16 $219.40
Averages: $423.71 $252.34 $4,331.73

† Totals of the flight count and passenger count columns are approximately double because flights are counted in both their origin and destination state. See the statistics page for accurate totals.
